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College Love Stories: Margaret, Jacqueline & Mya, Michigan

College Love Stories: Margaret, Jacqueline & Mya, Michigan

Jan 15, 2025

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College love is truly special—not only because it creates a lifelong connection, but because it’s rooted in the spirit of your school. Once intertwined, it's a bond that remains unbreakable. Did you find love in college? We can't wait to hear all about your College Love Stories (romantic, BFFs, generational and everything in between)!


We're SO excited to introduce Margaret, Jacqueline and Mya from the University of Michigan. They are a beautiful example of love that transcends generations. It all started with Jacqueline Fiehn (Mya's great-grandmother) who graduated from UM and passed on that tradition to her daughter Margaret Waltzer (Mya's grandmother) and then to Mya who graduated with a Master's degree in Science in Sustainable Systems (pretty awesome!) Here's just a little peek into their Love Story <3


KC: What significance does Michigan hold for you? 

M: Attending and graduating from the University of Michigan has always been a dream of mine. Reaching that milestone and having the opportunity to share a photo of me in my cap and gown with my grandma in front of a building that, in her time at Michigan, didn’t allow women in was an extremely important and meaningful moment for me. It symbolized not only my personal achievement and the importance of that for the women in my family, but how much progress has been made since. 

KC: What's your favorite thing to do together? Why? 

M: After graduation I moved to Florida, with my grandma living in Michigan and unable to travel long distances. We keep in touch via regular calls and letters. Our favorite thing to connect about is the Michigan football scores and mailing her favorite recipes and knitting patterns to me.

Mya and her friend at graduation. They met at the bus stop!

KC: What advice would you give incoming first-years about meeting other people and relationships/friendships? 

Don’t be afraid to start a conversation! I met one of my best friends from Michigan on a bus ride back from class and they happened to get off on the same stop. It turned out they were in the same graduate program as me and in one of my classes. Since graduating we talk almost everyday! Had I not started a conversation on our walk from the bus stop, we would have never connected.


Thank you so much Mya for sharing your beautiful story of generational Love! We can't wait to see what the future holds for you and grandma <3

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