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College Love Stories: Emily & Danielle, Illinois State

College Love Stories: Emily & Danielle, Illinois State

Jan 22, 2025

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College love is truly special—not only because it creates a lifelong connection, but because it’s rooted in the spirit of your school. Once intertwined, it's a bond that remains unbreakable. Did you find love in college? We can't wait to hear all about your College Love Stories (romantic, BFFs, generational and everything in between)!


We're beyond excited to introduce, ADPi sisters, Emily Loehrke and Danielle McCleish. They are both Fashion Merchandising majors at Illinois State University and actual BFF goals. 

KC: How did you meet? Where?

E & D: We met in our sorority Alpha Delta Pi when I was a freshman and she was a junior. She had taken me to get my first pair of letters (where you get merchandise with your sorority letters on it) and it was truly a match made in heaven. I soon learned that this was THE Dani that everyone during recruitment had spoken about so highly (she was our VP of Marking at the time and therefore couldn’t physically recruit me). We had started talking about anything and everything and I soon learned that she is just as concert obsessed as I was and looking forward to events opening back up. Since I was a freshman and this was during 2020, I had a lot to learn and knew that Dani would always be there for me. 

KC: What significance does Illinois State hold for you? 

E & D: Illinois State is very significant to us both as it hold so many memories for us. From going to chapters together, studying for our merchandising classes, hanging out and getting food, we were truly attached at the hip and she continues to be my closest friend from university.

KC: Do you think you would have ever met if it weren't for your school? Why or why not? 

E & D: Originally, I had thought that I was going to go to Iowa State instead but realized I had wanted to be closer to home due to the nature of the pandemic. Without Illinois State, I don’t think we would have met or would have such a close connection. Illinois State is one of those school that once you get on campus, it truly is a tight knit community and everyone looks out for one another. I loved my Illinois State experience and could not recommend it more!  

I can safely say that Dani truly made my experience at Illinois State an unforgettable one and I know that she will one day be my future Maid of Honor! 

KC: What's your favorite thing to do together? Why?

E & D: Our favorite thing to do together is go to concerts! Since meeting, we have been to 9 concerts together! From Harry Styles (twice!) to Hozier and 5 Seconds of Summer, we have traveled and seen many different artists and have grown together over our love of concerts!

KC: What advice would you give incoming first-years about meeting other people and relationships/friendships? 

Some advice I would give to first years is to step out of your comfort zone and to truly surround yourself with people who support you. I was someone who had always had friends in multiple different groups but never truly a best friend who supported me and has the same interests as me. If it wasn’t for me deciding to go through recruitment and ultimately choosing to go ADPi I would’ve never met Dani!

Huge thanks to Emily and Danielle for sharing your ADPi Love Story with us! We can't wait to see the Bride/Maid-of-Honor pics<3

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