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5 Minutes With Hayoung, Harvard

5 Minutes With Hayoung, Harvard

I’m not the only one using technology to stay connected; Hayoung, a senior from Harvard, has utilized technology to continue to help her peers learn as a TA despite being miles apart. For this installment of the Class of MMXX series, I had the privilege of talking to Hayoung about the challenges of moving to online learning, and how she's maintaining a positive attitude towards the whole situation.  

Apr 21, 2020

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Introduction and interview by Caroline Skou, Holy Cross '20


To be isolated, by definition, means to be or remain alone or apart from others, but in the last few weeks, this isn’t how I would describe myself. Physically, yes. In the last few weeks, my bedroom has become a library, a coffee shop, a classroom, and my parents have become my roommates. But I have now found that friends call me out of the blue, English professors send little poems to brighten my day, and acquaintances from class have created active group chats. Despite being locked away inside, only occasionally escaping on a walk, I have maintained a feeling of connection to others thanks to the digital age. 

I’m not the only one using technology to stay connected; Hayoung, a senior from Harvard, has utilized technology to continue to help her peers learn as a TA despite being miles apart. For this installment of the Class of MMXX series, I had the privilege of talking to Hayoung about the challenges of moving to online learning, and how she's maintaining a positive attitude towards the whole situation.  

Despite being locked away inside, only occasionally escaping on a walk, I have maintained a feeling of connection to others thanks to the digital age

Harvard was one of the first universities to have closed it’s doors for the semester. How has the virus affected you both academically and socially? 

Besides being a full-time student, I’m also a teaching assistant for a course, as well as a research assistant at a Harvard Psychology lab. I’ve already had a pretty busy class schedule this semester, so transitioning online hasn’t been easy. I have been adjusting to taking classes on Zoom and having to sit in my room behind the screen all day. On campus, I really loved that I could walk around and try a new study space depending on what I was feeling, and I would often switch between the library, the student center, dining halls, or a coffee shop. Having a change in environment helped me to focus on my work and spark motivation. I think that being at home makes me appreciate little things like that even more. 

Having a change in environment helped me to focus on my work and spark motivation. I think that being at home makes me appreciate little things like that even more

Socially, I think that I’ve been spending a lot of time with myself. It was so hard saying goodbye to so many close friends in such a short span of time, but I think that I’ve been able to reflect more in this process and prioritize the people whom I want to stay connected with. 


I was worried about my professors figuring out how to transition classes to online. I can’t imagine having to do it myself! Could you talk more about what it means to be a TA right now?

I’ve always been interested in education, and wanted to help teach a course at Harvard before I graduated. And it turned out to be a challenge, but also very rewarding. I started in the spring, and TA’ed for a statistics class for life sciences where I focused on discussion and review of the course material. It was over spring break that I found out the rest of the semester was suspended, and I would have to teach my section virtually. I was really nervous about how I was going to do this effectively, so that the students in the class would still benefit from it. Thankfully the department gave us a budget so that we could get the proper technology to teach the class. I was able to get a tablet with a stylus to replace the chalkboard I had been using in the classroom. There have been some challenges still with being able to engage everyone the same way I was able to in a classroom environment, but I just try to check in on the students in my class, and try to make the best out of a bad situation. 

 I was really nervous about how I was going to do this effectively, so that the students in the class would still benefit from it

That's great! What are some fun and/or unique ways you’re keeping busy at home? And how have you been connecting with friends? 

When I do have some free time, I love to edit photos and videos, write poetry, and watch lots of movies, TV shows, and vlogs from my favorite YouTubers. For friends,  I’ve mostly been texting and Facebook messaging! Zoom, FaceTime, and Houseparty have also been amazing for video calls and making the most out of this situation. I also really enjoy sending interesting articles or funny memes to my friends, which can serve as a small and simple way to show that you’re thinking of someone.