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Advice from Mom

Advice from Mom

In honor of mother’s day, we asked mom’s What advice do you have for your daughters, who are about to graduate, that they wouldn’t have learned in the classroom? Here are some of the best answers we received from the wonderful mothers who raised the trailblazing Class of 2020:

May 07, 2020

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Introduction by Caroline Skou, Holy Cross '20

The best advice I’ve ever received from my Mom was, "if it doesn’t work, turn it off, and turn it on again". This can best be applied to when my laptop gives me the blue error screen, or when the WiFi doesn’t work. But overtime, I've found that it applies to everything. If I find myself stressed, angry, or overwhelmed, I know the best thing is to turn it all off; step away from that paper I can’t seem to finish, don’t respond to the friend who is driving me crazy. And instead, take a breath, call a friend, or watch an episode of 'How I Met your Mother'. And then turn it all back on and go deal with the issues at hand. I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge from my time in school, but I can say without a doubt, that the best life advice I have received has come from my Mom.

I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge from my time in school, but I can say without a doubt, that the best life advice I've received has come from my Mom.

In honor of Mother’s Day, we asked Moms with graduating seniors one question:  "What advice do you have for your daughters that they can't learn in the classroom?"  Below are some of our favorite answers! 

"Adaptability is key to our future success as an individual and a society. Accepting new ways isn’t always fun and sometimes very difficult"-Daniella's Mom 

"You are strong enough in your own self to achieve whatever you aim for in life. Sometimes things are not smooth but never stop believing in yourself. As rightly said by someone,”Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations" -Riddhi's Mom 

"Live life with balance and always plan for tomorrow" -Avery's Mom

“ Never sacrifice who you are for someone else, and love with your whole heart but never give your heart away” - Sam's Mom  

“Your health is the most valuable asset, both physically and mentally” - Justine's Mom  

“Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Life is too short to be wasted on people who don’t value your worth” - Marissa's Mom  

“Work hard and treat others with kindness and good things will come” - Meagan's Mom 

“Not everything is always going to work out your way. You have to stay positive despite all the negative in order to stay afloat and to yield the successful results you want. AND staying positive helps you see all the beauty and good in life especially in times of darkness" - Alana's Mom 

"Look for the silver lining in any bad situation, because it will provide you with the hopefulness that you need to move on to the next challenge"  -Haley's Mom 

“Rely on your gut feeling as much as you rely on facts” - Kelsey's Mom 

Although Mother's Day 2020 is different than most, nothing will ever change the fact that our Mothers "know best". We love you & honor you Moms! xo