College Love Stories: Kenzie & Coby, WVU
Jan 23, 2025
College love is truly special—not only because it creates a lifelong connection, but because it’s rooted in the spirit of your school. Once intertwined, it's a bond that remains unbreakable. Did you find love in college? We can't wait to hear all about your College Love Stories (romantic, BFFs, generational and everything in between)!
Meet Kenzie and Coby from West Virginia University. They're pretty much a friends-to-lovers story but more like RAs-to-lovers! Coby graduated with a Juris Doctor and Kenzie with a Master of Science in Energy Environments.
KC: How did you meet? Where?
K: We met at Summit Hall on the Morgantown campus, where we were Resident Assistants for this living in the dorm.
KC: What significance does the University of West Virginia hold for you?
K: Obviously it’s where I met my fiancée, so it holds a special place in both of our hearts. For me, Morgantown (WVU) is the longest place I’ve ever lived. Growing up in the military, we never lived in one place for very long. WVU became my home as I rooted myself within the school and the community.
C: I told my parents in second grade that I would go to WVU, so it was huge for me to fulfill that dream. It makes it even better to have met my future wife, made some very close friends, and earned two degrees.
KC: Do you think you would have ever met if it weren't for your school? Why or why not?
K: I do not think we would have met if I had decided to attend another school. My immediate family is now in Florida after a move from Maryland during my undergraduate years.
There are tons of great opportunities on any campus to find and excel in your career. See what the campus has to offer and get involved in something. The more you do, the better chances of you finding a job, a hobby, a friend, etc. One day, you’ll look back on college and remember the good times, but you have to make those good times first. Enjoy it.
KC: What's your favorite thing to do together? Why?
K: My favorite thing that we do together is take walks together with our dog, Porter. We always grab a coffee and walk the neighborhood near our home or the parks. We chat about just about everything from the past, present, and what our future looks like, and we have been known to share many laughs along the way.
C: Spending time together. It can be vacations, mundane chores around the house, playing with our dog, etc. Being together and being friends makes whatever we do special. I certainly have the most fun laughing and playing with our dog together.
KC: What advice would you give incoming first-years about meeting other people and relationships/friendships?
Expect the unexpected. I did not know how many meaningful relationships I would make from personal to social to professional. Don’t be afraid to join organizations or apply for on campus jobs because you never know who you’ll meet and how important they will become later in life.
Huge thanks to Kenzie and Coby for sharing their RAs turned Couple story with us - it's actually straight out of a movie! We can't wait to see your love grow and where your story takes you<3