College Love Stories: Karen & Kevin, USC
Jan 28, 2025
College love is truly special—not only because it creates a lifelong connection, but because it’s rooted in the spirit of your school. Once intertwined, it's a bond that remains unbreakable. Did you find love in college? We can't wait to hear all about your College Love Stories (romantic, BFFs, generational and everything in between)!
Meet Karen and Kevin from the University of South Carolina. Karen graduated with a degree in Marketing and Kevin in Marketing and Management.
KC: How did you meet? Where?
K & K: We met in a marketing class in the Business School on the campus of the University of South Carolina.
Kevin was playing basketball for the University and asked me to come to one of his games. He would leave me the tickets at the Will Call window. I was pledging ZTA and when we first spoke he told me “he knew ALL the ZTAs”. So needless to say it took several attempts of free basketball tickets before I agreed to go to a game to watch him play.
KC: What significance does the University of South Carolina hold for you?
K & K: We are both 1988 graduates of the University of South Carolina. We raised both of our girls attending many football, baseball and basketball games at the University. Our oldest daughter and her husband are 2017 and 2018 graduates of the University of South Carolina. Kevin attends the annual alumni event for past USC basketball players. We have had season football tickets for 35 years.
KC: Do you think you would have ever met if it weren't for your school? Why or why not?
K & K: No, because of the circumstances of being in the same class and the size of the university.
KC: What's your favorite thing to do together? Why?
K & K: We both enjoy attending Thoroughbred horse racing. We are now grandparents and we love spending time with our children and grandchildren.
KC: What advice would you give incoming first-years about meeting other people and relationships/friendships?
Take advantage of any opportunity to meet new people; with a university the size of USC is good to find a niche, get involved and meet as many people as you can.
Thanks so much to Karen and Kevin for sharing their Love Story! We can't wait to see your love continue to grow <3